Benny Everitt
Benny Everitt

See my creativity

40% of people playing sport are women, yet women only receive 4% of sports
media coverage. Wtf? Exactly. In this global campaign we challenged the
audience's subconscious bias, and invited the viewer to focus on what matters
most - creativity.

We did this really simply by finding camera angles that would focus the viewers
attention on the athletes creative play rather than their gender.

Launch film
The campaign launched prior to International Women’s Day 2018 and the athletes challenge viewers to “See my creativity, not my gender.”

Then the global campaign went hyper local - creating edits for key cities with the sports and music tracks originating from each the location.

New York




Agency - 72andSunny
Creative - Benny Everitt
Creative - Benn Sutton
Creative - Wendy Richardson
ECD's - Carlo Callavone + Stuart Harkness
Director - Jovan Todorovic