No parking
When I started at Wiedens I was on a course called WKSide. Essentially youngsters
from outside of advertising making an agency within an agency. Which later became
The Kennedys. One of our first briefs was to stop people parking on the path outside
the office. After about 200 reviews with Tony and Kim we signed off a series of no
parking bays.
According to Tony Davidson this is the best work I've ever made and we even showed
up on the woostercollective.com - yeah that leading street art blog.
from outside of advertising making an agency within an agency. Which later became
The Kennedys. One of our first briefs was to stop people parking on the path outside
the office. After about 200 reviews with Tony and Kim we signed off a series of no
parking bays.
According to Tony Davidson this is the best work I've ever made and we even showed
up on the woostercollective.com - yeah that leading street art blog.

Agency - Wieden + Kennedy
Creative Ben Everitt
Creative - Sophie Bodoh
Creative - Ben Tubby
Creative - Barbara Humphries
Creative Director - Tony Davidson
Creative Director - Kim Papworth