Protect the things you love
Woolrich has an unparallelled history of making clothes that protect people from the elements.
And A/W is the time when you need the most protecting. But the thing about living in the city is...
you never need to just protect yourself. It’s the things that matter most to us - our kids, pets,
groceries, even our dry cleaning - that we always take care to protect the most.
And A/W is the time when you need the most protecting. But the thing about living in the city is...
you never need to just protect yourself. It’s the things that matter most to us - our kids, pets,
groceries, even our dry cleaning - that we always take care to protect the most.
Shooting during Covid was a nightmare. So we decided the best way to make this one happen in a fully locked down America was to use real couples as the actors.
Shooting during Covid was a nightmare. So we decided the best way to make this one happen in a fully locked down America was to use real couples as the actors.
We cast 4 amazing talents - @lailacooks / @ignaciomattos / @cynthiaxcervantes / @travisgumbs and then built each story around their New York. Creating authenticity top to bottom.
Product films

Print + Digital + Product

Agency - 72+Sunny
Creative Director - Benny Everitt
Creative - Masaya Kochi
Director / Photographer - Cheryl Dunn